The HP Personal Training Program was developed to provide both professional and novice equestrian riders with an exercise program that would help transform good riders into champion riders. Through the implementation of  Sports Specificity we design individualized workout regimens and diets to address the fitness needs of equestrians. What is the hp fitness Program? Hp being the scientific formula for horse power was created, by ACSM Certified Fitness Trainer Reginald Stewart to improve the strength, flexibility, mobility, control, and balance in equestrians.Reggie has worked for families within the Wellington Equestrian community for more  than 10 years and has been called upon for the strength and development of many professional and olympic riders in the area and abroad. Seeing that there were a lack of instructional strength and fitness related regimens for sport specific equestrian riders. Reggie began researching and developing various exercises that engaged muscle groups used in high performance riding, jumping, dressage, etc. By combining a specialized resistance programs with the  like of cross fit, circuit training routines and HIIT concepts the beginnings of the hp fitness program was born. we even went so far as to create an online fitness app specifically design to address the fitness needs of equestrians.